Coins of Great Britain


Last updated 28 August 2024

~~ Third Farthing ~~ GB  £
K 791 1902 unc dark chocolate colour. 30.00

1902 unc. trace lustre. 30.00
823 1913 nef much lustre. 20.00

1913 ef some lustre. 22.00

~~ Half Farthing ~~
K 738
1843 gvf 12.00

1844 vg/f dipped 1.00

1844 gvf 8.00

~~ Farthing ~~ GB  £
K556 1719 nvg/g 5.00
581 1746 avf 30.00

1754 vg holed 2.00
681 1806 vf/gvf 9.00
677 1822 nvf 9.00

1825 nvf.eds rev.& scrapes rev. & obv. 4.50
725 1843 avf 10.00

1850 vf 8.50

1853 vf/nvf 6.00

1853 vf 7.00

1854 f 5.00
747 1860 obv 1.50

1860TB nvf 4.00

1860 vf polished 2.00

1861 gvf 5.50

1866 vf 5.00

1875-H vf 5.50

1875-H gvf 6.50
1881 3 berries vf 7.50

1886 gvf. rim flaw 2.00

1886 ef tiny ding on neck by ribbon 10.00

1886 ef tiny eds 12.00

1887 gvf 6.00

1891 ef chocolate 16.00

1893 vf 3.50
788 1896 unc. near full lustre 30.00

1897 High tide mint blackened vf 3.00
1902 vf 1.50

1904 gvf 9.00

1905 vf 2.00

1905 gvf 3.00

1907 nvf 2.00

1909 f. polished 0.50

1909 vf 2.00
1917 unc. blackened at mint 6.00

1918 avf 0.50

1919 1921. vf....Each 0.50

1923 ef 6.00

1923 bu 20.00
1931 gvf. much lustre 1.50

1936 vf 0.50

1936 au. much lustre 2.50

1936 unc much lustre 5.00
843 1943 1945 gvf much lustre....Each 0.50

1944 bu 6.00

1948 unc. much lustre 2.00
1949 gef 1.00

1950 bu  bag marks 5.00

1952 bu 5.00
895 1955 au full lustre 3.00

~~ Halfpenny ~~
1694 nf/g Coin dark, bright raised "pimpling" 20.00
A483.1 169{7?} vg/nvg 15.00
A483.1 1697 vg 20.00
503 1700 vg Inverted V's For A's in Britvnniv 40.00
557 1719 vg 20.00
566 1737 nvg scratched 20.00
647 1799 f 3.50

1799 gf. ed 4.50
662 1806 nvf 6.00

1806 vf 10.00

1807 vf trace lustre 12.00
726 1853 vf 10.00

1854 gf 7.50
1893 vg 2.00
789 1901 au. much lustre 14.00
793 1902 gef. much lustre some minor staining 12.50

1904 dark ef. 25.00

1910 vf much lustre 3mm flan flake field & D of Die 5.00
809 1924 bu. spot obv 17.00
837 1929 nef.trace lustre 8.00

1933 bu 15.00

1934 avf 1.00

1936 bu 15.00
1937 bu 5.00

1938 bu trace finger print obv,field 4.00

1939 bu 6.00

1941 au. much lustre 4.00

1942 bu 6.00

1943 on Kings head 4.00

1945 bu. some toning 9.00

1945 bu 12.00
882 1953 unc 1.50

1953 bu 2.50
1963 bu  bag marks 1.00

1964 au  full lustre 1.00

~~ Penny ~~ GB  £
K 618 1797 vg 5.00

1797 af 7.00

1797 nf/f 17.00

1797 gf 20.00

1797 vf some old encrustations 30.00
663 1806 nf 3.00

1807 nvf. scratches obv field & cheek 13.00
755 1876-H gf some digs porosity 4.00

1877 Large date nf 4.00

1891 g 1.00
790 1895 ef lustrous 18.00

1896 gef luster in letters obv. much lustre rev 18.00

1897 avf 4.00

1897 ef much lustre 15.00

1901 gvf. some lustre 5.00

1901 unc.lustrous 55.00

1901 bu 65.00
1902 High Tide.gvf 4.00

1910 f 1.00
810 1919 nef. near full lustre 15.00

1919 bu. black mark under ON on rev 30.00

1920 gef. lustrous some scuffs and part finger print 20.00
838 1935 nef  much underlying lustre 6.00

1935 ef some lustre 7.00

1936 ef much lustre 3.00

1936 gef. 2 staple scratches.rev field & drape.faint ink mark obv field 4.00
1937  bu. trace finger print obv field 3.00

1937 bu 4.00

1938 bu. ink mark obv.rrim. small staple scr.field. 4.00

1947 bu 5.50

1948 gef 1.50

~~ Penny halfpenny { Three a'pence } ~~ GB £
K728 1838

1843 gvf 20.00

~~ Twopence { Tuppence } ~~

K 619 1797 nf 20.00

~~ Threepence { Thruppence } ~~
GB  £
K591 1762 vf. holed £7.00

1762 ef. tiny loop attached @ 12 o/clk 33.00
730 1875 g 1.50
777 1896 avg 2.00

1900 gf 3.50

1901 f 2.00
797 1902 f 3.00

1902 vf 5.00
813 1911 gf 1.50

1912 f 1.50

1912 avf 2.00

1917 1918, 1919 f....Each 1.00

1917 vf trace lustre 2.50
813a 1920 1921, f....Each 1.00

1920 gf 1.50
813a 1921 vf 2.00

1925 gvf 6.00
831 1931 gf. polished 1.00

1931 avf 1.50

1932 gvf 2.00

1933 gf 1.00

1933 gvf 1.50

1934 1935 vf....Each 1.00

1935 f 0.50

1936 vf 1.50

1936 ef 2.25
848 1937 1938. vf....Each 1.50

1937 vf. once polished 1.00

1938 gvf 3.00

1938 bu 9.50

1940 vf 1.00

1940 gvf 2.50

1941 vf 2.00

~~ Nickel/brass Threepence ~~
K849 1937 rev £2.00

1937 bu dark mark twix IND & rim 7.00

1942 au 2.00

1943 bu 11.00

1944 gvf 1.00

1944 bu 11.00

1945 bu 15.00

1946 gf 12.00
886 1953 bu 2.50

~~ Fourpence ~~ GB £
731 1854 g holed 2.50
732 1860 Maundy. vf holed 5.00

~~ Sixpence ~~ GB  £
K582.3 1745 g. holed £3.00
698 1826 f 10.00
760 1887 vf 12.00
815 1914 gef 20.00

1915 gf 3.00

1918 f 3.00
815a.1 1921 vf 7.00

1921 gvf 12.00

1922 1925, vg.....Each 1.00

1922 vf 1.50
832 1928 1930, 1931, 1934 vg....Each 1.00

1929 1936 f....Each 1.50

1935 nvg 1.00

1936 unc 8.00
852 1937 unc. dark tone 10.00

1937 bu 15.00

1946 bu. 4.50
875 1951 proof 25.00

1952 nvf 6.50
889 1953 bu 2.00
903 1967 bu 0.50

1970 proof 5.00

~~ Shilling ~~ GB  £
694 1826 f 10.00

1826 nvf.  faint scratches .Gilded 15.00
713 1834 gf. graffiti on neck. scr obv field 15.00
734 1874 Die # 3  g 6.00

1880 vg 8.00
761 1887 JH. vf 9.00

1887 JH.  gvf 10.00
774 1892 g 4.50
780 1895 g 3.00

1896 nvg 3.50

1900 gf 9.00
800 1906.  f 8.00

1906 gf/vf tarnished 9.00
816 1911 gvf 16.00

1911 bu 35.00

1918 avf. ed. 2.50
1924 avf 12.00
829 1926 bu 60.00
833 1930 f 3.50
1932 f 3.00

1936 avf 3.50

1936 bu 18.00
854 1937 Scottish. bu 12.00

1940 Scottish. gef 10.00

1942 Scottish. bu 25.00

1943 Scottish. gf 3.00

1945 Scottish. bu 11.00
853 1945 English   nvf 3.00

1946 English. bu 7.00
854 1946 Scottish. bu scratch obv field 5.00
890 1953 English. bu 3.50
891 1953 Scottish. bu 4.00
904 1970 English. proof 6.00
905 1970 Scottish. proof 5.00

~~ Florin / Two Shillings ~~ GB  £
K746 {1864} MDCCCLXIV  die # 68. ag/g 9.50
K746 {1872} MDCCCLXXII  g/vg 6.00
762 1887 gef 40.00

1889 vg/f 8.00

1889 vf 25.00
781 1900 f 10.00
801 1903 vf 32.00

1907 f 12.00
817 1912 gvf. polished 20.00

1914 gvf 17.50

1915 f. polished 12.00

1916 nvf 12.00

1916 vf/gvf some lustre 18.00

1917 vf some lustre 22.00

1918 vf/gvf some lustre 18.00

1918 ef 30.00

1919 vf some lustre 20.00
817a 1920 1921, 1922 vg,,,,Each 4.00

1920 1921, 1922  f......Each 5.00

1920 nvf 9.50

1922 avf 6.00

1923 vg/gf 4.00

1923 vf 10.00

1923 ef 28.00

1925 f 25.00

1925 gf / vf 30.00

1926 gvf trace of lustre 30.00
834 1928 vg 3.50

1929 gf 5.50

1929 vf 8.50

1931 1935. gf.......Each 5.00
855 1943 vf 6.00

1945 gef 6.00
892 1953 bu 3.00

1953 proof. Straited obv 5.00
906 1970 proof 4.00

~~ Half Crown ~~ GB £
K714 1836 vf £100.00
740 1845 g 24.00
764 1887 vf. ding obv field 23.00

1887 gvf much luster rev. lustre in letters obv 24.00

1887 nef. olive lustre tiny ed obv 27.00

1891 f 24.00
782 1893 g shield rev smooth 6.50

1895 gf 20.00

1898 nvf 50.00
1907 1909. f......Each 20.00
818 1914 gvf. much lustre 25.00

1915 bu 60.00

1916 bu. small scuff 60.00

1918 aef full lustre 32.00
835 1928 bu 25.00

1933 gf 8.00
856 1940 ef. bag marks 8.00
866 1947 nef. bag marks obv 2.00

1948 1948 ef 1.50
893 1953 proof tiny mark obv. field 16.00
907 1959 dull unc 18.00

1970 proof 7.00

~~  Double Florins  ~~ GB  £
K763 1887 Arabic. nvf £30.00

1889 vf 30.00

1889 ef. some tiny scuffs 60.00

~~ Crown ~~ GB  £
K675 1819 -LIX. ag £16.00

1819 ag. date very faint, barely legible. 15.50
675 1819 -LX. ex jewellry.blob@ 9o/clk & faint mark
@ 3o/clk obv. vf
1821 SECUNDO.  nf. 3 small digs bust 30.00

1822 TERTIO. f. very faint grafetti obv & rev. 40.00
1847 -XL. gf 175.00
765 1887 vf 48.00

1889 gf  26.00

1889 avf 30.00

1889 vf.  polished 36.00

1890 f. polished 20.00

1892 gf. scratch obv. 26.00
783 1893 LVI vf 35.00
836 1931 avf 300.00
842 1935 ef 25.00

1935 gef 30.00
857 1937 vf 20.00
1953 bu. Coro. Eliz II 6.00
910 1965 bu. bag marks. W.Churchill 1.00

~~ Trade Dollar ~~
Issued to facilitate trade in Orient.
Inscription in English, Chinese & Malay
GB  £

Decimal Coinage

~~ New Halfpenny~~ GB  £
K914 1971 proof £1.00

1971 1976, 1979 bu....Each 0.50

1978 bu 1.50

1979  bu 1.00

1980  proof 1.00

1981 bu 2.00

~~ Halfpenny~~
K926 1982 bu £0.50

1982 proof 1.50

~~ New Penny ~~
K 915
1975 1976. bu.....Each 0.50

1978 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982  bu....Each 1.00

1980 1981. proof....Each 1.00

~~ Penny ~~

~~ 2 New Pence ~~ GB  £
K916 1971 proof 1.00

1975 bu 1.50

1977 bu 1.00

1979 bu 2.00

1980 bu 0.50

1980 1981. proof....Each 1.00

1981 bu 3.00

~~ Two Pence ~~
936a 1996 bu.Magnetic. 1.00
987 2000 bu. Magnetic 1.50

2001 bu. 1.00

~~ 5 Pence ~~
1990 proof. Large size.  many scuffs 1.00

~~ 10 New Pence ~~ GB  £
1976 bu.bag marks 0.50

1980 bu 1.00

1980 proof. obv. dull 1.50

~~ 10 Pence ~~ GB  £
989 2000 bu 3.00

2001 bu 1.00

~~ 20 Pence ~~ GB  £
931 1982 PIEDFORT.Sterling Silver.proof in case of issue with certificate £38.00

1983 bu 0.50

1984 bu 1.00
939 1995 bu 1.00
990 1998 proof 4.00

2000 2002. bu......Each 3.00

~~ 25 New Pence ~~ GB  £
917 1972 bu.Silver Wedding Anniv. £2.00
920 1977 bu. Silver Jubilee 2,00
925a 1981 `Proof.Chas & Di. Wed. Sterling Silver. In case of issue w/cert. 28.00

~~ 50 New Pence ~~ GB  £
918 1973 proof Entry into ECC 3.00
1977 1980. bu. bag marks.....Each 2.00

~~ 50 Pence ~~
1983 bu. bag marks 1.50
1004 2000 bu. Public Library 3.50
991 2003 proof 4.00
new 2017 aef bag marks. Benjamin Bunny 1.00
new 2018 au bag marks. Representation of the People Act 1918 2.50
new 2019 au bag marks. Paddington Bear at St. Paul's 1.50
new 2022 au King Charles iii 1.25

2022 bu King Charles iii 1.50

~~ 1 Pound ~~ GB  £
934a 1984 proof.Scottish Thistle.Sterling Silver. In case of issue w/cert. £30.00
941a 1985 proof.Welsh Leek.Sterling Silver. In case of issue w/cert. 30.00
1986 proof.Northern Ireland Flax. Sterling Silver. In case of issue with cert. 30.00
954a 1988 PIEDFORT. proof. Shield. Sterling Silver Faint tarnish mark on part of rim 22.00

1988 proof.faint marks field. Shield. Sterling Silver No case or cert. 12.00
959a 1989 proof.faint marks field. Thistle. Sterling Silver No case or cert 12.00

1989 PIEDFORT. proof. Thistle.Sterling Silver. 22.00
964a 1993 proof Sterling silver In case of issue w/cert 20.00
967a 1994 proof Sterling silver In case of issue w/cert 20.00
967 1994 PIEDFORT. proof. Mark on cheek. Scots Lion 22.00
969a 1995 proof.scuff marks.Dragon.Sterling Silver 12.00

1995 PIEDFORT.proof.scuffs in field.Dragon.
Sterling Silver.
998a 1999 proof Sterling silver In case of issue w/cert 22.00
1059 2006 Proof. Egyptian Arc Bridge. 12.00

~~ 2 Pounds ~~
947 1986 vf. Commonwealth Games £3.50
960 1989 bu. Bill of Rights 8.00
960a 1989 PIEDFORT.proof scuffs in field.Bill of Rights.Sterling Silver 25.00
1997 PIEDFORT.proof.Sterling Silver w/gold plated ring.In case of issue 40.00
999 1999 gef Rugby World Cup 3.50
1014 2001 proof.Sterling Silver, with gold plated ring. Marconi 25.00
994 2003 bu bag marks 4.00
1056 2005 au 60th. Anniv Second World War 5.00
1060 2006 proof B'day Brunel 11.00
1061 2006 proof tiny scuffs. Brunel Paddington Station 7.00
1075 2007. proof. 200th.Anniv.Abolition of Slave Trade 10.00

2007 bu 200th.Anniv. Abolition opf Slave Trade 5.00
1076 2007 proof. 300th. Anniv. Act of Union . 10.00
new 2016 au. Britannia 5.00
new 2016 ef bag marks The Great War 1914~18. Army 3.50

au bag marks The Great War 1914~1918 Army 4.00
1385 2016 ef Skull. Shakespeare 3.50

 ~~ 5 Pounds ~~
962a 1990 proof.Sterling Silver. 90th. B'Day.Queen. Mum 32.00
977a 1997 proof.Wed.Anniv.Eliz + Philip. Sterling Silver 30.00
1006a 1999 proof.millen.Sterling Silver.tiny tarnish mark rev. @ 3 o/clk. 25.00
1007a 2000 proof. Q.Mum. NO case of issue but w/cert and booklet Sterling Silver 30.00

~~ 20 Pounds ~~
1354 2015 bu 5oth.Anniv.Death Winston Churchill. In Mint
Issued Sealed card folder .999 Fine Silver

~~Britannia ~ Silver Ounce ~ 2 Pounds~~
K1029 2013 bu  Britannia standing 40.00

~~ 17th. Century Trade Farthings ~~

1664 Maidstone Kent Iames Wolball Brass 17mm vf £50.00

{16}69 Cittie of Wells In The Crest ~ Covnty of Svmmerset 69. Crown. Copper 20mm f 15.50

   ~~ 19th. & 20th  Century Model Half Farthings ~~

1887 Jubilee Model Half Farthing.gvf £4.00

Coronation  Model Half Farthing gvf

1679 6 pence{bawbee } g/vg £30.00