All catalogue values & identification systems are as follows :- K,Y
and C taken from Krause & Mishler
editions of World
taken from Robinsons Pamambang Coins
List of abbreviations:- cv.catalogue value, ed.edge ding, ek.edge knick, pol.polished, hl.holed, rt.rust, ink like mark, scr.scratched,, stnd. stained, ver.verdigris. Coins with split grading :- obv/rev, i.e. gvf/ef.
== Postal Rates and Ordering Information ==
Postal business only.
Please make all cheque payments to Chester Brett. |
Postage rates for orders as follows:- | ||||||||||||||||
Special Delivery
Maximum compensation for lost packages sent is £500.
International Signed For Europe £8.00 plus postage Maximum compensation for lost packages sent is £500.
International Signed For Rest of World £9.80 plus postage Maximum compensation for lost packages sent is £500. Please note International Signed For is not available to all countries.
Coins may be returned for a full refund upto 21 days of
postmark for overseas orders, upto 10 days of postmark for U.K. orders; no explanation required. We accept paypal. Please make payments to :- Payment may be made in Sterling cheques drawn on British Banks or British Postal Money Orders, British U.S. and euro banknotes. |
Antiques Directory. We are listed under World Coins Shopping category